Strength training in schools of the past
The workshop on physical education is based on the games for young people described by Jelica Belović-Bernadzikowska in 1894. Gymnastics was introduced as a compulsory school subject by the first School Act (Act of 14 October 1874 on the Organisation of Primary Schools and Teacher Preparation Courses for Primary School Teachers in the Kingdoms of Croatian and Slavonia) passed in 1874. Physical education increases working capacity, provides entertainment and active break, and helps develop moral and aesthetic values. Through a selection of nineteenth-century games, you will find out the meaning of gombanje (archaic for gymnastics), gombaonica (a gym) and gombalište (a PE ground). Depending on age, six or seven games will be selected for each group (variously titled as A pot, How do you like your neighbour?, Huh?, A blind guide, A riddle, Why are you handsome?, A lady from Paris and others). Physical education games from the historical gym are conducted within the Museum.
Duration: 45 minutes.
Participants: pre-school children, elementary school pupils (one form), secondary school pupils, adults.